Welcome to the pukey management page!

Manager Raya Malbraith
Real Name: Angela Brown (Anju, Juju, Anju Juju, Samwise, Wanj)
Job: writing fics, telling the other management what the page should look like, helping the guys when they're being stupid.
mfmm has control of: Cloud, Cid, Bakura
Studying: conputa saiensu (computing)
site: well right now she doesn't have a site all her own

(she's not here so ha)Well, I am now.(oh sh&t) Ahem, Greetings, I am the one who does lots of typing and keeps the mfmm organised. Iam
I am obsessed with Gamecube, Final Fantasy, Anime, and Egypt. Oh, I am extremely weird and very unphotogenic. THat's all I feel like writeing right now(lame joke)
WARTORTLE! Sir Turtums.
Me walking on the spot to burn calories.
Me on clack.
I can do no violence !! (fave quote)
A little sum Amy made 4 me.

Manager Amy Malbraith
Real Name: Caitlin Brown (KT, Hobo)
Job: (most of the) HTML, making graphics, finding ugly colors for the pages.
mfmm has control of: I control Vincent...thus Chaos...thus the world...heheh..
wants to study: languages, astronomy, piracy...and if those fail, I'll be a mangaka
site: Digital Sushi

Hey there, as you might know, I'm slowly revamping the page, and hopefully we'll be back online soon!
Anyways, about me, since you all want to know... I like video games, manga/anime, and South Park. I especially like horror and survival horror genres, and have yet to be scared by any game, book or movie (except Clocktower >_>). I like to rock climb, too...although the hardest I've done is 5-6 -_-;. I play the bass guitar and love punk rock music and attitude to bits. Red and Black are my colours of choice...and if you're looking for me, and you live in Edmonton, my usual haunts are: Warp One, Comex Hobby, Comic King, thriftys, Spencer's, HMV, Mr. Entertainment (or whatever), Retro, Glow!, Déja Vu, and occasionally Garage Clothing. I hate Stepheny Chai...with a passion!!!! And I tend to miss people's birthdays...and that's my blurb!
Meowth, that's right! Cameo Kitties of the world unite!
Me being a dorkus. Yes..this is fighter. Yes I am a girl. No fighter is not a girl. So sue me.
Me on clack! WEEEE!
*looking at spot on sidewalk* This'll look great to the innocent bystanders...me in my hobo shirt, a bottle of what seems to be beer and you just had to spill your slush right there so it would look like puke. (fave quote)
This is me all day until I get home. I'm not lying. That's what I look like!
I did this when I was bored...

Sorry but there are no real pictures of us on account of we have no scanner with which to scan the pictures of us onto the computer for all to see.